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What is PrunePy ?

PrunePy is born in my mind after being tired of the gap in Dev experience between the back and the front.

In the back all my code is simple to write, test and implement (I use Python, Rust, Zig…).

But in the front my Dev expreience is always awfull.

For many reasons :

  • The Browser is not a cool environment to Dev
  • Most of the time with any JS frameworks your logic and your UI is at the same place, it makes the testing really difficult.
  • You have to think about how to send data and reactivity when your writting your logic because by default the data are scoped into a component which makes data transmission an entire topic.

My point of view is that the logic should be universal and frameworks agnostic.

You should write your logic somewhere, test it like you would do it in Python and then (when everything works) plug it into your UI.