Sometimes you need async function, to fetch data for example.
To update the DOM after an async function, just decorate it with @notify_async.
from random import randrangefrom prune import Prune, notify_async, notifyfrom pyscript import fetch class Pokedex: def __init__(self): self.pokemon = None self.loading = False @notify def toggle_loading(self): self.loading = not self.loading @notify_async #update the DOM at the end of the method async def get_random_pokemon(self): self.toggle_loading() pokemon_id = randrange(1,100) response = await fetch(f"{pokemon_id}") data = await response.json() self.pokemon = data self.toggle_loading() Prune(pokedex=Pokedex())
<template p-if="store.pokedex.loading"> <h4 >Loading...</h4></template><template p-if="store.pokedex.pokemon and not store.pokedex.loading"> <div> <h4 p-text="store.pokedex.pokemon['name']"></h4> <img :src="store.pokedex.pokemon['sprites']['front_default']" alt=""> <h5 p-text="f'height : {store.pokedex.pokemon['height']}'"></h5> <h5 p-text="f'weight : {store.pokedex.pokemon['weight']}'"></h5> </div></template><!-- Note the 'await' in the @click --><button @click="await store.pokedex.get_random_pokemon()">Get Random Pokemon</button>