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p-on (or @)

p-on is used to run python code when a specific event trigger.

You can use all events available in the DOM listed here :

For example if you want to run an function on a click event just use p-on:click="..." and put your function call inside.

<img :class="'rotate' if store.bob.rotate else ''" src="/images/bob.png"/>
<button p-on:click="store.bob.toggle_rotate()">Toggle Rotate</button>
from prune import Prune, notify
class Bob:
def __init__(self):
self.rotate = False
def toggle_rotate(self):
self.rotate = not self.rotate

Shorthand syntax

Instead of writing p-on:click="..." you can write @click="...".

Passing events as parameter

Sometimes you need data from an event, in this example we will change the scale of Bob thanks to a range input.

To send the input value to update_scale we just have to write

The event is accessible like in JS, it’s really the same thing.

from prune import Prune, notify
class Bob:
def __init__(self):
self.scale = 1
def update_scale(self, new_scale:int):
self.scale = new_scale
<img :style="f'transform: scale({store.bob.scale});'" src="/images/bob.png"/>
<input @input="store.bob.update_scale(" type="range" min="0" max="2" step="0.1" />